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Dana K is a singer/songwriter from Kitchener-Waterloo who has been singing in various local cover bands (ZED, Jacked, and Covershot) for over 20 years. Dana started her first original project in 2007 with Calliope’s Radio (CD Sleep Long, and Smile released in 2008). She began singing with blues band Lady D and the Barrelhouse Gents in 2015, which evolved into Dana K & the Remedy, aka DKR, in 2017. DKR is her first original project since Calliope’s Radio in 2008. Check out more at Dana has done many guest performances with local bands, independent projects with local musicians, and also performs solo for private events. 




My first recollection of music in my life is a Mickey Mouse record player that I got for Christmas when I was three years old. As my dad so fondly reminds me, it was whatever year Shawn Cassidy had a hit with Da Doo Ron Ron. My musical influences only expanded from there and timing led to my being dubbed "Disco Dana" as I stood in my Patsy Gallant costume with a tambourine and fake microphone singing along to everything I could find...everything...Old Hiram's Goat followed by MacArthur Park...Tiny Bubbles right on up to Miss You by the Rolling Stones...Claudja Barry's Boogie Woogie Dancin' Shoes to Burt and Ernie on Sesame Street Fever. And as my dad continues to remind me to this day, I completely wore out his Little Richard, Buddy Holly, Donna Summer, and Bee Gees albums which he swears up and down "would be worth a fortune now".


I grew up listening to everything...everything from the Edelweiss Trio to Donna Summer, to Patsy Gallant, to Tina Turner, to the Rolling Stones, to the Bee Gees, to Steve Miller, to Aerosmith, to Kiss, to Billy Idol. Nothing ever stuck with me more than those powerhouse voices ringing out to On The Radio, Proud Mary, or Piece of My Heart. Strong women with strong voices singing strong songs. As my parents will both agree, I was born a belter, and I love to sing. I love breathing life into a song, making it come alive with dynamics, emotion, and power...drawing an audience into the magic that is music. Thanks for listening… for singing along, for dancing, for watching... for everything. Music is truly the best gift.  

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